Starr County Historical
Newspaper Abstracts
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was provided for your use by
Scott Grayson
- Thank you Scott!
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CHAPTER II: 1845-1847
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CHAPTER III: 1847-1849
The retreat of
the victorious American troops at the close of the Mexican
American war was met with an influx of American traders
and land speculators pouring into the lands on the East
bank of the Rio Grande. In 1847, HENRY CLAY DAVIS
divided up portions of land (opposite of Camargo on the
Rio Grande) that belonged to his wife HILARIA GARZA to establish
a new township. Originally called Rancho Davis, the
settlement quickly grew and in 1848 was dubbed “Rio Grande
City,” the county seat of Starr County. By 1848, it
was flooded with merchants hoping to make a healthy profit
out of the new routes of trade flowing between Mexico and
the United States. The settlement of Roma was
just 15 miles above Rio Grande City and began to take form
in 1848. These two cities thrived off the fact that
the Rio Grande could only be navigated up to Roma, making
these places ideal junctions between the overland trade
and the steamboat lines. In addition, the relatively
lax enforcement of tariffs by Mexico enabled large margins
of profit.
This environment of opportunity on the frontier attracted
robbers and gamblers, as well as industrious merchants.
Early in the county’s history, the conflict between these
groups resulted in the organization of Starr county by those
who hoped to see order prevail. In an effort to curb
the lawlessness, thievery, and murder which was commonplace
in the earliest days, the county officials tried to aggressively
enforce the law, sometimes using vigilante justice.
By 1850, the fledgling cities of Roma and Rio Grande City
had grown significantly, with dozens of merchants and hundreds
of residents, with a diversity of American, Mexican, and
European residents.
By Scott Grayson, 2007
19th September 1848
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 2
H. CLAY DAVIS.—This enterprising
gentleman so well known as the founder of Rio Grande City,
opposite Camargo, arrive in Corpus Christi a few days since.
One of the objects of his visit, we hear, was to ascertain
the shortest possible route between here and his place.
As the distance is but about 135 miles, we may well conclude
that the trade, of at least a great proportion of it, will
find its way here.—Mr. Davis, we have ever heard, is a pushing
man, and when he deems it advantageous to come across the
country for goods, few in his neighborhood will seek other
channels.—Thus we will not only have the trade from Presidio,
Laredo, and Mier, but we will even have it as low down as
Camargo. Mr. Davis left here for home on Saturday
(????) accompanied by Mr. WATSON and Capt. LEWIS. (page
1, column 1)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
TO THE RIO GRANDE.—The attention of the citizens and traders
on the Rio Grande, and the shippers in New Orleans and other
places is called to the Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Line
of Transportation which will at once be established from
this point. By this means we will be brought in direct
and regular communications with the most important trading
points on the frontier of Mexico, and the advantage to traders
exceed any thing there has ever been held out.
By the river it is dangerous varatious and costly in the
extreme, attended with the greatest uncertainty as to time
of delivery. A New Orleans merchant in shipping, for
instance, H. Clay Davis place via the Rio Grande pays a
heavy freight to the Brazos, and the heaviest insurance
known on the coast, and if a “norther” be blowing may remain
a week outside the bar. When the goods are landed
on the island, then is storage to pay; they are taken
to the mouth of the Rio Grande at an expense of transportation
almost equal to that from New Orleans, and there, unless
a steamer be in readiness, they are again stored before
shipped. On the steamer, then the freight and insurance
is again heavy, and by the time it is landed at its destination
has cost almost double whit it would if passed through here.
The Transportation line will take freight from N. Orleans
and land it at the enumeration points at the rate set down
in their advertisement. And this will be done expeditiously,
too, for so soon as the vessel comes in, which she can do
in almost any weather, the bar being the best on the coast,
the goods will be transferred to wagons and at once started
to their points of destination, which will be reached in
6 or 7 days.
We will again set down the distance from Corpus Christi
to several points:-- To Loredo 133 miles, to Mier 142 miles,
to Rio Grande City 130 miles.
To San Antonio, 110 miles, the Transportation Line will
also run, and from the facilities of the route and cheapness
of freight, we think they will be well patronized.
(page 2, column 3)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
26th September 1848
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 3
Mr. S. R. MILLER came in from Rio Grande City on Saturday
for goods bringing with him a number of pack mules.
From a conversation with Mr. MILLER, we learn that Mexicans
are coming in freely for goods, and that there is a scarcity
of those articles known as “Mexican goods.” He says
that the idea that the country is flooded with goods is
very erroneous. It is true that in Monterrey and Saltillo
there are large amounts, but they are not suited to the
trade, having principle been brought in whilst are army
occupied the country, and selected by persons who know not
the leading articles in Mexican trade.
The Mexican traders prefer crossing the river for goods,
even if there is an American on their side with a stock,
for the general belief that goods are cheaper on this side
has taken such a hold on them that it cannot be eradicated.
Besides they do not have to pay so high a duty when they
purchase on American soil.
Fifteen miles above Rio Grande City, at the Garcia Rancho,
on this side of the River, a town has been laid out, and
there are already some thirty Americans there, with two
stores or trading houses—the place is called Roma.
Still higher up, and immediately opposite Mier, Mr. JOHN
HAYES is building and we have heard from another source
that a number of Mexican families will move over.
A little below Guerrero, Mexican families are settling and
The land lying on this side and on the banks of the Rio
Grande, having belonged for years to Mexicans living on
the opposite bank, who have been deterred from settling
on them from fear of wild Indians. Now that the land
is in the hands of the United States, and protection is
certain, they are moving over and will continue to do so
until the who country is settled up.
All of these points, Mr. MILLER
said, look upon Corpus Christi as their depot, not only
from the facility, but from the cheapness of transportation.
A steamer will land goods at Rio Grande City for 3 dollars
per bbl. To which add freight to the Brazos, from there
to New Orleans, and the river and sea insurance, and different
commissions, and the bbl will cost near six dollars before
it is delivered at Rio Grande City. To any point above
there, so much per hundred pounds is paid, which added to
the amount already set down, makes the freight frequently
exceed the original cost of many articles. When the
citizens and traders then, at the point in question contrast
those prices with the cost by Corpus Christi ($3.25) and
the short time it takes to fill an order from New Orleans
at that price, self interest and every other consideration
will call them here.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
3rd October 1848
The Corpus Christi Star,
Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 4
J. P. KELSEY: Commissioning and Forwarding Merchant Corpus
Christi Texas He also has a large and convenient warehouse
at Rio Grande City, where he will receive any goods on sale
or storage.
(page 1, column 1)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
10th October 1848
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 5
THE FRONTIER.— We conversed yesterday with an intelligent
trader from the Rio Grande, whose habitation is on this
side of the river opposite of Guerrero. He says many
persons have moved over to their lands on the American side,
but we fear they are far from being comfortable. They
have no protection from the Mexican authorities, and none
from the Americans; and in order to save their property
and to protect themselves from the Indians and marauding
bands, they have formed a sort of provisional government,
by selecting an alcalde and four advisors.
For the information of those who live above the Salado,
we will tell them that they are in the county of Webb, of
which Laredo is the county seat; and those below that stream,
down to where the upper line of the municipality of Reinoso
strikes the Rio Grande, are in the county of Star, the capital
of which is Rio Grande City, (Clay Davis’) The latter
county has been organized and the officers elected, to whom
the Mexican citizens will apply for justice and the settlement
of all grievances—The former county, we believe, has not
been thoroughly organized, and until it is, and Americans
troops stationed upon the line, we would advise all to form
themselves into communities, and establish a sort of provisional
government for their protections. We trsut that it
will not be long before everything is regulated, so that
those Mexicans who have become Americans by the treaty of
Guadalupe, will be amply protected in life and property,
in order that they may settle down in quiet. We intend
hereafter to devote more of our paper to this subject, and
to instructing our new citizens, in order that they may
be well informed of the operation of the Government into
whose embrace they have just (fallen?) By their own free
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
24th October 1848
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 7
It was with no little satisfaction that we received advices
a few days ago of the capture of a gang of robbers in Star
county. Chief Justice being advised of their whereabouts,
called upon the citizens for assistance, and with hearty
good will they rallied around him, and arrested eleven men,
who were taken to the county seat and confined and will
be kept in custody until the meeting of the District Court.
This argues well for the future peace and quiet of the frontier,
and the news of it will be joyfully received by all who
respect the laws of the land, and who believe that good
order and morality should predominate over lawlessness and
An example is here set by Star county that should be followed
up by every county on the frontier, in order to rid this
line of a set of unprincipled men, who by rapine and plunder,
hope to live and fatten off the industry of honest citizens.
Wherever a band of these outlaws id know to be, let some
one of the county officers call on the citizens for aid
to arrest them, and the call will certainly be responded
to. Energetic action on the part of the officers is
all that is needed to clear the frontier of petty thieves
and marauders, and sure the good end to be obtained will
not only justify the means , but will render them popular.
Let the citizens but show a determination to sustain the
laws, and to let no transgression go unwhipt of justice,
and soon society will attain that wholesome stand without
which there can neither be peace, happiness, or prosperity.
We have reason to believe that many bad men have resorted
to the frontier, in the hope that in the sparsely settled
counties they could pursue uninterrupted a life of idleness
and crime, and prey successfully upon the property of Americans
and Mexicans. But we see in the above act of the Chief
Justice of Star county, an indication that they will not
be suffered to glide so smoothly down the path of vice as
imagined; and if every good citizen will do his duty, they
will find their stamping ground too hot to hold them.
We have heard men who speak lightly of robbing Mexicans,
but who would not entertain for a moment the idea of robbing
an American. We do not believe in this doctrine.
We are at peace with Mexico, and it is the duty of every
good citizen to respect the treaty, which guarantees them
protection in life and property; and the American who would
rob them is as much a villain as though he broke open his
neighbor’s money chest. He who robs a Mexican, will
rob an American, and had we ought valuable, we should watch
him closely.
We sincerely wish that the citizens of the frontier would
stir themselves in this business. A little exertion
now, will save them labor and vexation hereafter.
Whenever they hear of a robbery being committed in their
county, let the citizens turn out and bring the offenders
to justice. Do this now, and the frontier will be
quiet and peaceable; defer it until bands are well organized,
and you will give a strong foothold to bad men, in whose
vicinity there will be no security in life or property.
(page 2, column 1)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
FROM SALTILLO.—A party of Americans
arrived here last evening from Saltillo. They report
that everything was quiet there, and that BUSTAMENTE was
expected to arrive in Monterey on the 16th of next month,
at the head of two divisions of Mexican troops—the first
commanded by Gen. MIÑON, who was second in command, and
the other by Gen. MEJIA. The cause of sending these
troops to the frontier was to put down any insurrectionary
movement there. The people talk considerable about
separation from the central government, but appeared to
be generally opposed to any foreign interference.
ARISTA was not in Monterey when our informant left, but
was expected there in a couple of months.
The party crossed the country from Saltillo here but neither
saw nor heard of any Indians on the route.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
November 1848 Independent
American and General Advertiser, Platteville, WI
The Chihuahua trade amounts
to about two million dollars annually, and the cost of transportation
is estimated to be 33 1/3 percent. On the route through
Texas, should the distance as calculated not exceed five
hundred miles, the expense of transportation would not exceed
ten percent.—a difference of several hundred thousand dollars,
which could not fail to turn the trade this way.
November 1848 The Corpus Christi Star,
Corpus Christi, TX
Vol. 1, No. 10
are indebted to the courtesy of Judge NORTON for the following
correspondence and proceedings of meetings held at Rio Grande
City and the town of Roma, expressing the sense of those
communities upon the recent arrest of the robber band who
had been preying on the Mexican population on this side
of the river. We give them a place with a great deal
of pleasure:
Rio Grande City Oct 31, 1848
Friend Peoples, There has been much excitement in this community
of late, growing out of the arrest of a band of robbers
who had, after various acts of wholesale plunder and theft,
set at defiance the civil authorities of Starr County.
There appears to have been a well organized scheme of robbery,
principally directed against our Mexican citizens, and from
all the facts elicited during the examination, but for their
arrest and imprisonment, their operations would not have
been confined to this side of the Rio Grande. The
annals of crime perhaps can scarcely furnish a parallel,
but I have not time to give you particulars. It would
seem almost incredible to learn of the number of mules and
horses that have been stolen, this side of the river, within
the last two or three months. In one instance, five
Mexicans were killed who were quietly herding their stock,
and the entire caballada, numbering about sixty horses and
mules, were taken and drove off.—
Enclosed I send you a copy of the preamble and resolutions
of the meeting held in the town of Roma, also chief Justice
STAKES’ reply, and the manifesto of the citizens of Rio
Grande City, all of which please give a place in your paper.
You shall hear from me at a more convenient period.
In haste,
Yours, Serapio[1]
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
At a meeting of the citizens of
Rio Grande City, held at the house of H. CLAY DAVIS, on
the 27th of October 1848, Judge A. G. STAKES was unanimously
elected chairman, and E. R. HORD appointed Secretary.
The objects of the meeting having been stated, on motion
of Dr. RAMSEY, a committee of five were appointed to draft
resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting.
Dr. RAMSEY were appointed a committee, and reported the
following preamble and resolutions:
Whereas, since the withdrawal of the Army of the United
States from the valley of the upper Rio Grande, and the
consequent unprotected state of our frontier, various acts
of outlawry and crime have been perpetrated within the limits
of this county, by men having no permanent abiding place,
or interest common with our citizens; and whereas their
well known organization and fearful increase in the numbers
of such characters, had rendered it incumbent upon civil
authorities (in order to enforce the law, and thereby uphold
the sovereignty of the State over this portion of her territory)
to call upon Maj. T. W. SHERMAN, commanding District Rio
Grande, to aid them in the proper execution of such duty,
to which he cheerfully yielded, therefore,
Resolved, that the grateful acknowledgements of the civil
authorities and citizens generally of Starr County, are
justly due to Maj. T. W. SHERMAN, for his decision and promptness
in sending a detachment of the forces under his command
to this place.
that our thanks are also due to Lieut. Julius P. GARESHCHIE,
commanding detachment, for the alacrity and firmness with
which he sustained the civil authorities; and that his mild
gentlemanly and officer-like conduct during his stay among
us, has entitled him to the lasting esteem of this community.
That the arrival at this point yesterday of a detachment
of the force intended for the permanent protection and defense
of our frontier, is a matter of joyous gratulation, and
is to be regarded as the harbinger of those blessing which
are so much to be desired and wished for among the boundary
of the neighboring republics,--confidence and amity in the
mutual intercourse between the citizens of both countries,
protection to domestic enterprise and industry, and peace
and tranquility at home; and that we in behalf of our citizens,
do hereby unanimously extend to Maj. LAMOTTE and officers
commanding detachment, a sincere and cordial welcome.
Resolved that a copy of the foregoing
preamble and resolutions be furnished to the officers therein
named, and that a copy be also furnished to the “Frontier
Sentinel” and “Corpus Christi Star” for publication.
On motion,
the meeting adjourned
A. G.
Stakes, Chariman
E. R.
Hord, Secretary
H. Clay
A. G. Stakes
D. C.
H. Watson
J. Munroe
J. C. Graham
D. M.
E. R. Hord
R. Clark
S. R. Miller
J. L.
J. Sissoms
E. R.
J. L. Baker
T. M.
E. Basse
J. Gasbrook
J. Dorsey
C. Letts
J. Pierpont
A. H.
J. L. Haynes
At a meeting of the citizens of
Roma, held at the store of P. H. PROUT, on the 10th of October,
1848, P. H. PROUT was called to the Chair, and Dr. WILKINSON
appointed secretary. The objects of the meeting having
been explained by the chairman, on motion of Capt. W. F.
BOWEN, a committee of three were appointed by the Chair
to draft and report resolutions expressive of the sense
of the meeting – E. C. NESBITT, J. H. BEAN, and Wm. F. BOWEN,
were appointed a committee, and reported the following preamble
and resolutions:
Whereas,-certain misguided young men, among whom were two
or three residents of this place, left on a secret expedition,
some time since, and by their acts during their absence
caused much regret and mortification to the law abiding,
and peace-loving inhabitants of this place, and so gave
opportunity to the evil minded of calumniating and disparaging
our settlement and it residents; and whereas under these
circumstances it was the unanimous wish of the whole of
our community that a legal examination of the parties implicated
by this act should take place, to the end that the extent
of their derelictions should be ascertained and the guilty
persons made amenable to law for all offenses against it.
Therefore, resolved, that the thanks of our whole community
are due to the Hon. A. G. STAKES, Chief Justice of the county
for his indefatigable assiduity in collecting proof required
to bind over the accused to answer at the next term of the
district court, and for the promptness with which he raised
and brought from the county seat a force of citizens adequate
to enforce the mandates of the law.
Resolved, that our thanks are due
to Chief Justice A. G. STAKES, and to Justices D. M. HASTINGS,
and G. SAIS, for the promptness with which they organized
the court of examination and the patience, dignity, and
firmness with which they conducted its proceedings.
Also to Francisco GARZA, Coroner and ex-officio Sheriff,
and our fellow citizens and neighbors from Rio Grande City,
and precinct No 2 for their instantaneous response to the
call of Chief Justice, and for the extreme alacrity with
which they repaired to this place in accordance therewith…
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
14th November 1848
Independent American and General Advertiser, Platteville,
Chihuahua trade amounts to about two million dollars annually,
and the cost of transportation is estimated to be 33 1/3
percent. On the route through Texas, should the distance
as calculated not exceed five hundred miles, the expense
of transportation would not exceed ten percent.—a difference
of several hundred thousand dollars, which could not fail
to turn the trade this way.
Grayson, 2007
November 1848 Milwaukee Sentinel and Gazette,
Milwaukee, WI
Advices from Brazos and Corpus
Christi state that 300 Comanches were on the American side
of the river, above Mexar, who murdered one man, and burned
several ranchos, and escaped, carrying off the women.
The American commandant at Rio Grande
city received an express requesting the assistance of the
U. S. Troops above (and here the N.Y. line failed east of
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson,
December 1848 The Corpus
Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Vol 1., No 14
WILL BE SOLD on the first day of March 1849, one hundred
town lots of this town tract. The condition one fifth
cash in hand, the remainder in four equal installments of
six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty four months. Bond
for title, with forfeiture of all payments in case of non
compliance with the terms.
In offering to the public this desirable property, the proprietors
do not desire to present a colored picture of the location,
or to hold out false inducements, the leading facts are
going to shoe the character of the spot selected together
with the advantages of the place, so far as the Mexican
trade is concerned will be sufficient. This town is
situated on the east bank of the Rio Grande, about midway
between Camargo and Mier on a high stone bluff; the adjacent
land is of the richest soil, well adapted to the cultivation
of the main staples of the South, such as cane, cotton,
corn, tobacco, etc., and also furnishing an inexhaustible
range for stock raising. On this tract are fine stone
quarries for all building purposes, and last though not
least, steamboat navigation certain and sure, four fifths
of the year. Besides this town is almost in front
of the main road leading to Monterey, Saltillo, and Zacatecas.
The position is an elevated one, presenting the most interesting
views of mountains and vallies (sic) to be found on the
river. All that is asked is, for every person wishing
to purchase, to come examine for themselves.
Commissioners for stockholders:
Dec 23.
for Justo Garcia, Jose Maria Garcia, and others.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
13th January 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
of the Corpus Christi Star,]
Friendly peoples, having an opportunity to communicate
with you by private conveyance, I will endeavor to furnish
you with such items of interest as can hastily be gathered.
Since my last, matters and things out here have assumed
a less mutable form and suspense and doubt have measurably
given place to certainty. To every lover of good order
and well wisher to society, it is truly gratifying to witness
the change which has taken place here within the past few
months. Since the arrest and imprisonment of the migratory
gang of gentry who had at one time become a burthen and
curse to the inhabitants of this frontier, quiet and order
have prevailed throughout our country. We are occasionally
infested with a straggler or two whose apparent aversion
to honest industry and labour, would seem scarcely to enable
them to live above suspicion; but no recent outrages in
law and order have occurred. The same natural causes,
no doubt, that influenced our forefathers to build cities,
are operating in our sunny clime to no limited extent.
Our own embryo city is growing rapidly in commerce, importance
and population. Within the past week, several gentlemen
of wealth and influence have arrived here from the interior,
and are about returning for their families with the intention
of settling permanently. We learn from good authority,
that two or three of the party will turn their attention
to agriculture and stock raising, and have already made
suitable investments for that purpose.
Lieut. VEALY of the 1st US infantry has just returned from
opening a good road to Laredo, and has dug a sufficient
number of wells to furnish water at all seasons.
The neighboring village of Roma is improving, and our fellow
citizens John HAYS and Jack EVERETT[2],
are making highly creditable improvements in their projected
town opposite Mier. They are both worthy citizens,
and the natural beauty of the site, with well known enterprising
industry of the proprietors, will no doubt insure the reward
of their labours. Camp Ringgold, near this place,
presents a lively appearance at this time. It is rumored
that Capt. E. DEAS’ company of Artillery new stationed here,
we be relieved by two companies of the 2nd Dragoons.
We are highly gratifies to hear of this order on account
of the necessity for mounted forces. When the Dragoons
arrive, Indians and a certain class of semi Americans, whose
proneness to lay unlawful hands upon horse flesh, has long
since rendered them offensive to this community, had better
keep (shady?)
There are four private steamers running on the Rio Grande
at this time, viz: Tom Kirkman, Capt. MARTIN; Del Norte,
Capt. LOCKHART; Tom McKinney, Capt. EMERSON; Warren, Capt.
We learn from a gentleman in authority on the other side,
that Camargo has been made a port of entry. We have
not heard who the Administrador will be, it is supposed
that he will be sent from the city of Mexico. Col
CARABAJAL, and others, are opening a new road from Camargo
to Monterey—the direction for most of the distance will
be near the banks of the River San Juan. When completed
it will be of considerable advantage to Rio Grande City,
as also to Camargo. The route has already been surveyed,
it is well supplied with water, and is said to be 50 miles
nearer than the old road traveled by our Army. The
troops to be stationed at Camargo have arrived in Monterey,
and are daily looked for at their place of destination.
Gen BUSTAMENTE has been relieved from the command of frontier
forces, by Gen. MINON, who will establish his headquarters
at Monterey.
Yours, Serapio TRANSCRIBED
by Scott Grayson, 2007
FOREWORD: Gold was discovered
as Sutter’s mill in California in January of 1848.
Attempts to keep this discovery quiet were at first successful,
but by March the news had spread to San Francisco and in
August it was published in the New York Times. Hundreds
of thousands would seek to make their fortune in California,
but the routes from the East Coast of the United States
were long and dangerous. From New York, sea routes around
the tip of South America took over 5 months, and the overland
“California trail” through the American Rocky Mountains
could take as long, and was completely impassable in the
winter and spring months.
A number of eager fortune seekers
quickly organized into “companies” and collected their provisions
in the winter of 1848 to set West across Mexico, so as to
bypass the winter blockage of the high Rocky Mountains.
Many of these Southern routes crisscrossed through Texas
and Mexico, and a number of “Californians,” as the gold-seekers
were dubbed, traveled up the Rio Grande by steamboat, and
embarked on their overland journey from the towns of Rio
Grande City, Camargo, Roma, or Mier.
Early in 1849, cholera broke out
throughout the major cities of Europe and America.
Because it is spread through contaminated water sources,
large cities were particularly susceptible to massive outbreaks.
The poor sanitary condition among the Californian emigrants,
and their rapid migration through the West led to a rash
of cholera outbreaks along most of the immigration routes.
Throughout the US, many thousands would die in 1849, and
in Texas, many towns were temporarily abandoned in avoidance
of the deadly scourge.
by Scott Grayson, 2007
13th January 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
From the Victoria
There is now no longer any doubt
but that the Asiatic Cholera, that scourge of mankind, has
again made its appearance upon our continent. The
first cases occurred at quarantine New York City, something
over three weeks ago, since which time it has found its
way to several other points, among which are New Orleans,
Houston, Lavaca, and our own place (Victoria, TX)…
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
10th February 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Among the names of gentlemen attached
to the California expedition, now here, will be found that
of Mr. John S. ROBB, the well know “solitaire” of the St.
Louis Reveille…
Mr. ROBB informed the editor of the Galveston New that many
large parties are preparing to leave St. Louis for California
by way on Independence, about the 1st of May. That
route requires a delay till the snow shall have left the
plains. The number expected to take this route is
estimated at 5000, arriving principally from Wisconson,
Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. This route cannot be
much short of two thousand miles, while from Corpus Christi
it does not exceed eleven or twelve hundred. The latter
route also affords a better road, and much better grazing
for horses and mules; it also passes through a climate mild
and temperate at all seasons.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
We recently made a trip to the Rio Grande, going by the
upper of Mier route, and returning by the Camargo road.
Our first watering place was Palo Alto, on the Agua Dulce,
after leaving which we struck a course a little west of
south, which direction, with occasional slight deviations,
we maintained throughout our trip. We found abundance
of water on the prairies, and were rather astonished to
find that the country so frequently heard described as a
sandy desert, was in reality a region as fertile as any
on the globe; covered, even in the middle of winter, with
luxuriant verdure, and abounding with vast holds of deer,
antelope, wild catlle, mustangs, &c. With the
exception of about 8 miles through Los Encinales ( a sort
of scrubby live oak, growing on sandy soil,) there was no
part of the country that bore the slightest resemblance
to a “sandy desert,” and even here there is said to be abundance
of water.
After five days of easy travel, we struck the Rio Grande
at Buena Vista, opposite Mier, where Mr, John C. HAYS has
erected a fine stone mansion which commands a beautiful
view on both sides of the river. From hence to Mier,
by the present road is about three miles, but it is Mr.
HAYS intention to cut a road directly through from the river,
which he estimates will reduce the distance to little more
than two miles. He has already obtained the necessary
permission from the Mexican authorities, and is ixpected
to commence work within a few days—Capt Jack EVERITT is
building an adobe house within a few feet of Mr. HAYS’ mansion,
intended, we believe, for a warehouse, these two gentlemen
having gone into partnership, and intending to carry on
a general mercantile and commission business. Mr.
HAYS also has a large field ploughed up and fenced in, ready
to put in corn. He has also a fine large flat boat
plying as a ferry boat and connecting the Mexican and American
sides of the river, and which we think must be extremely
A fine road, vut directly through the chaparral, and 30
feet wide, led us to the old Rancho de Garcia, six miles
below, now the city of Roma. We were really surprised
at the many evidences of rapid growth presented by this
beautifully situated place. Although but four months
have elapsed since the ground it covers was a wilderness
of chaparral , it already contains a population of about
100 souls, nearly one-half of whom are American, a number
of substantial store houses are already erected, and many
others were going up in all directions. The situation
is one of the most beautiful on the river, being on a high
rocky bluff, commanding a view of the country for nine miles
on either side. Directly in front and far in the distance
can be seen the mountains, at the feet of which lay the
Mexican town of Cerralvo, Lampasas, and Sabinas; and then
beyond them again, just lifting their heads above the others,
are the mountains of Monterey. The noble river, winding
below, completes a landscape of unexampled beauty.
The hill upon which the town is built is an inexhaustible
stone quarry, and furnishes most of the material used in
construction of their houses.
Here we found Mr. Robert MITCHELL, of New Orleans, who had
just returned from working a lead mine in the Cerralvo mountains.
He stated that the vein of lead was remarkably rich, but
that after working it awhile it assumed all the appearance
of silver ore, and on submitting it to the inspection of
some Mexicans they pronounced it to be silver.—After becoming
perfectly satisfied to this fact, Mr. MITCHELL abandoned
the undertaking, and taking all his tools with him, left
the mine to any person who might choose to work it.
His reasons for taking this step were, as he stated to us,
the difficulty and expense usually attendant upon working
a silver mine, the uncertain remuneration, and his own advanced
age. He informed us that he had recently visited the
mine at Vallazilla, which was supposed to be the richest
and most profitable silver mine in the world, before the
water broke in the workmen years ago. A company were
about to undertake the working of it, he said, and had sent
to the United States for the proper machinery to pump the
water out, which was 40 feet deep.
From Roma, we returned to HAYS’ Ranch, and crossed the river
to Mier. This little Mexican town presents a dull,
lifeless appearance, and is only interesting in having been
the scene of the desperate fight between the handful of
Texans under Col. FISHER, and AMPUDIA’s army, many memorials
of which still exist.
Rio Grande City, or Rancho Davis, is about fifteen miles
below Roma, a good straight road being cut some distance
back from the river. The place is older and larger
than Roma, and contains a number of well-built brick houses,
while others are going up in all directions. The hotel,
a fine three story brick building, is kept by a Mr. ARMSTRONG,
and appears to be well supported. Some three quarters
of a mile below the town, on a beautiful rising ground,
are the quarters of the U. S. troops intended to be stationed
along our frontier. The exact spot selected for the
post we believe was not known, although it was supposed
that their present location would be the one. There
were two companies of the 1st Infantry, and one of the 3rd
artillery in garrison there, Capt DEAS, of the last, being
in command of the post. Mr. DAVIS had had a road cut
direct from the town to the camp, and as we walked up on
our return, we found our friend, Chief Justice Stakes, with
his coat off, hoe and rake in hand, hard at work putting
in the garden seeds.
started from this place on our return, and for the first
sixty miles we found water at intervals of about sixteen
or twenty miles; when we arrived at Los Encinales we found
abundance of water even in the midst of the sand.
There was a heavily laden wagon in our company, yet at no
time did we lack abundance of water, both for ourselves
and our animals. Capt Jack EVERITT, who was of our
party, said that he had never before seen it so dry a time,
many water holes being dry for the first time in his recollection.
This settles the question as to the possibility of procuring
water on the prairies in the summer time.
FOR CALIFORNIA.—A party consisting of six individuals left
this city on Sunday for California.—They intend on going
by way of Presidio, San Fernando, and perhaps Chihuahua.
Another party is now getting ready to leave about the first
of February. They will proceed to a point lower down
on the Rio Grande, thence by way of Monclova, &c.
The above is from the San Antonio Texian of the 25th
ult. We believe the party
last mentioned left here this morning, on their route to
Mier, Monclova, etc.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
The following correspondence recently occurred between Maj.LAMOTTE,
commanding the US forces on the Rio Grande, and the alcalde
of Camargo, in reference to citizens of Mexico hunting mustangs
and will cattle in the State of Texas:
Nov 10, 1848
To the
Alcalde of Camargo, Mexico:
Sir—It has come to my knowledge that many citizens of Mexico
are in the habitual practice of crossing the Rio Grande
and hunting mustang and wild cattle. Anxious to prevent
any interruption to the friendly feelings now existing between
the inhabitants along the border, I beg to call the attention
of your Honor to the fact that cattle and horse constitute
property, and in this case, they belong either to individuals
or the State of Texas—that the citizens of no other State
can come into this for the purpose of appropriating such
property, still less should it be attempted by those of
a foreign country. I shall esteem it a favor, therefore,
if you will caution your people against this practice, and
will cause it to be known that the cattle and horses so
caught in the future will be liable to confiscation, and
the persons engaged in it to a process under the law of
With high respect, I am Sir,
Your obedient servant,
J. H. LAMOTTE, Maj U. S. A. comd’g.
November 11, 1848
Sir—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
communication dated yesterday, in which you request me to
inform the inhabitants of this place, who may go to Texas
to catch wild cattle or mustangs, that in the future all
such animal which they may secure, will be confiscated,
and they themselves tried for breaking the laws; stating
at the same time that you feel disposed to avoid all interruption
of the friendly relations now existing between the two frontiers.
In answer I will say that I esteem your kind sentiments,
and that I am equally desirous that there should be no cause
for their interruption. As the case to which your
note refers, however, tends to limit the rights of Mexican
citizens, who have held property in Texas from time immemorial—which
rights were solemdly guarantied (sic)to them by the treaty
of peace between the Government of Mexico and that of the
United States. I have thought it proper to advise
the Governor of this State of it, so that it may be ascertained
whether the local laws of Texas can annul those guaranties.
In the meantime I will inform the inhabitants in my jurisdiction
of the danger which threatens them in case they enter the
State of State of (sic) Texas for the purpose you mention.
The citizens of this country, proprietors of large tracts
of land and cattle in Texas, have always claimed wild animals
on their lands as the product of cows and mares with which
they stocked them, and although they have sometimes had
to abandon them on account of inroad of the savages, they
have never given up their right to them, and those were
declared inviolable by the 3rd paragraph of the 8th article
of said treaty. I think it proper to inform you that
his Excellency the Governor of this State has given orders
that all Mexican citizens who go to Texas must have a passport,
at the same time requesting the authorities on this line
not to give this document to any person excepting such as
have urgent business in that portion of Texas which formerly
composed part of Tamaulipas, and upon no consideration to
persons of suspicious character, or who have have (sic)
no legal object there—which request I have complied with.
I take this opportunity of offering you my due appreciation
and respect. God and Liberty. J. MARIA G. VILLARREAL
To Major
J. H. LaMotte, commanding U. S. forces in Texas
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
17th March 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
CHOLERA ON THE RIO GRANDE—We regret to learn that the Cholera
has made its appearance at most towns of the Rio Grande—Matamoros,
Brownsville, Rio Grande City, etc. Many deaths have
occurred, and numbers of the inhabitants are leaving for
more healthy parts of the country.
Later.—Capt. Jack EVERETT and Mr.
MYERS arrived here from the Rio Grande on Wednesday evening.
They confirm the worst reports of cholera in the region.
Col L. P. COOK and wife have died of the disease.
Col C. was Secretary of the Navy during the administration
of President LAMAR, and at the time of his death, a resident
of Brownsville.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
Capt. Jack EVERETT and Mr. MYERS returned to Corpus Christi
on Wednesday evening from a trip to the Rio Grande, bringing
with them about one hundred good horses, many of which have
already been sold to the Holmes county boys.
We understand that a like number of mules are on the road,
and will be here in a few days. With the exertions
now making, we do not think Californians by this route will
suffer much detention.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
ANOTHER ARRIVAL.—In our papers of to-day be found an account
of the organization of a new gold-seeking company, including
a list of members called the “Holmes County (Miss.) Mining
Company.” “Little Holmes” has turned out the right kind
of stuff for such an enterprise and we predict for them
a realization of their golden dreams. They are expected
to leave for California some time during the ensuing week.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
“Westward the Star of Empire takes its way”
COMPANY,” under the command of Major Walter H. HARVEY[3],
of Alabama, arrived here on Wednesday evening, en route
for California.
The Company consist of sixty five men, organized in Holmes
County, Miss., and efficiently prepared to sift the yellow
love upon the scientific principles of mining.
The Association is a Joint Stock Company, governed by a
Constitution, which provides for a legislative tribunal,
which is also judicial; providing likewise for a military
department. The officers are Captain, tow Lieutenants,
Sergeants, etc.
Major HARVEY, the Captain of the Company is a scientific
miner, having considerable experience in the mines of Georgia
and Alabama, besides a military education at West Point,
which , combined with indomitable energy and the few glances
he has had at the animal, make him a most suitable person
to direct the energies of this manly band on the new theatre
on which they are destined to act.
The 1st Lieutenant, J. H. DOUGLASS is a gentleman of energy
and considerable experience.
2nd Lieutenant, Wm. DALE
1st Sergeant, R. R. CAMPBELL, 2nd
Charles A. LEAKE, 3rd
do., Geo. W. GORDON, 4th
do.,Mr. SHEARER. Treasurer
Mr Neal McGANN.
The following is a list of the members of the Association:
R. I.
W. Carson,
G. A.
Wm. Shearer,
W. L.
E. R.
R. B.
T. W.
W. Whitman,
J. M.
H. Douglass,
W. A.
A. T.
J. R. Bell,
W. Grigsby,
W. Dale,
B. W.
G. W.
L. J.
M. M.
J. A.
A. L.
R. A.
L. Cade,
J. T.
J. M.
R. L.
W. E.
J. K.
R. R.
G. W.
G. A.
J. W. Dorherty,
Wm. Ellis,
M. Coleman,
Wm. Jones,
A. C.
H. D.
J. W.
E. J.
and Wm.
Still another.—The steamer Fanny
brought down from Galveston the “Carson Association of New
York,” Capt. J. J. BOYD, numbering about fifty members.
They ailed from New York to Galveston, and thence by the
Fanny to this place.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
24th March 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
FROM THE RIO GRANDE.—By several arrivals from the Rio Grande,
we learn the cholera is still raging in Matamoros—ten to
fifteen deaths occurring daily. It has also made its
appearance at Camargo, Reynosa, and Monterey. At Brownsville,
many of the California emigrants have died—a gentleman informs
us that the number exceeds sixty! Rio Grande City,
by deaths and desertions from the town, has been nearly
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
Herbert, Capt LEWIS, arrived at St. Joseph’s yesterday bringing
over thirty New England boys, bound for Sacramento.
The J. W. H. sailed for Boston on the 1st inst.
The following list of the Company was kindly furnished us
by one of its officers:
Wm. C.
Waters, President
Brooks, Vice President
S. Grush, Treasurer
Hale, Secretary
Prince, E. M. Chipman, Wm. Warner, Directors
E. Parker,
Wm. E.
M. Dominick,
G. Dresser,
L. E.
G. P.
Hewes, jr.
W. Copeland,
A. B.
Wm. A.
J. G.
J. Blaney,
following gentlemen accompany the expedition:
Robinson, C. F. Boyden, J. C. Walton, Stephen Jones, Joseph
We learn from one of the passengers that a vessel left New
York for this port (Corpus Christi) previous to the sailing
of the Herbert, with a large number of Californians.
She will probably arrive today.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
Rio Grande, March 10, 1849
I arrived at this place on the 5th inst. In company with
some twenty five of the best men of those who left Corpus
Christi under the name of “Mazatlan Rangers,” and we are
now preparing provisions, etc. for a regular start for the
Pacific. It is unnecessary to give a description of
the country over which we passed, as it would be folly to
run a road to this point over our trail, which measures
two hundred and thirty one miles, whilst one can be readily
obtained in less than a hundred and seventy, over an open
and level country with plenty of water.
I did not intend to write anything for publication until
my arrival at El Paso del Norte; but as a gentleman just
from Laredo informs me that accounts of great suffering
on our part have reached that place, and that they emanted
from men who came up with us as far as the Laredo road,
and turned off on that road to Laredo, I am induced to make
a statement of facts connected with this trip. There
is not a man of any truth or character in that party which
will corroborate such a silly statement. You know
how we started from Corpus Christi—the wagons loaded down
with trunks and other things unnecessary for such a march,
and they were hauled by three yole of cattle, in poor condition
when they started, and for the first few days grew worse
by neglect. A large number of the men were unfit to
go to California by any route, and will be unfit to stay
there if they ever arrive, unless they get some situation
in the shade, and in the neighborhood of a cologne lake—men
who know nothing of life beyond the measuring tape, the
handing out of needles and thread, and such like operations
as real manhood would scorn to engage in. Such men
after paying in their $150 in New Orleans, deemed it out
of character to do any labor in facilitating their progress,
and the result was that we came on very slowly, for the
good and willing men of the command were too much disgusted
to labor for themselves and others. When every means
had failed to work on harmoniously, it was resolved to dissolve
the company and force each man to work his way through.
This was accomplished before the arrival at the Laredo road,
and all but about twenty-five, started off south, though
there course was north of west, in order to travel on a
road. If they suffered one hour after leaving Corpus
Christi, it was whilst on that road, unless, indeed, they
put in the bill of suffering, sunburnt hands, torn pantaloons,
and a few pricks from the nopal leaves. They were
never without water, save one day, when they could not travel
sixteen miles to reach it; provisions were plenty in the
wagons, the county abound in game, and the lakes and rivers
were full of fish, and yet they complaine of their sufferings.
How many such men do you think will ever reach the Pacific
… (Page 2 column 2)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
31 March 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
steamship Globe arrived at Galveston Monday, the 26th inst.
From the Brazos. She brought over some thirty Californians,
the remnants of two or three parties who have started up
the Rio Grande and were oblidged to return, either from
inability to procure the means of transportaion, or from
the dread of cholera, which they report as raging to a fearful
extent all along the Rio Grande. Among these passengers,
were some ten or twelve who left New Orleans with Col. WEBB,
of which party Mr. AUDUBON, jr., the son and assistant to
the great naturalist, was Treasurer. This party was
originally ninety strong, but some thirty died of cholera
on the passage up the Rio Grande, and the majority of the
remainder have determined to return home to take a fresh
start. They report that the towns on the American
side of the river were nearly deserted, and on the Mexican
side, the deaths were averaging over one hundred a day.
In Matamoros, for the two days preceding the departure of
the Globe, 175 deaths per day have been reported, and in
Camargo the mortality was nearly as great. All along
the river, as the boat passed, the Mexicans would line the
banks, and holding out their bottles, beg in the most piteous
manner for remedies (medicines). We were unable to
procure the names of the Americans who died of cholera,
but we learn that the disease, at the last accounts, had
not gone above Mier, on the Mexican side of the river, or
Roma, on this side. The latter place was said to be
totally deserted, and Clay Davis’s nearly so. In Brownsville,
our informant stated, not twenty persons were to be seen
in a day’s walk
At Rio Grande City, Mr. AUDUBON, the Treasurer of Col. WEBB’s
party of Californians, was robbed of twelve thousand dollars,
the property of the company, which he had deposited with
the barkeeper of the hotel there. Part of the money
($4,000) was subsequently recovered, by the confession of
one of the party who was seized with the cholera.
This, together with the sickness, completely broke up the
party, and Webb left Roma with less than twenty men.
Capt. GLOVER, late American Consul at Monterey, came passenger
on the Globe, and we are indebted to him for most of the
above items. He also informed us that the Governor
of Nuevo Leon had officially notified him that hereafter
no parties of armed Americans would be allowed to pass through
Mexican territory. Orders to this effect, he said,
had been issued by the Central Government, and the Governors
of different States. This prohibition caused by the
bad conduct of a party of Americans who had started from
Vera Cruz for Mazatlan, and running out of funds on the
road, commenced levying contributions on the inhabitants.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
MR. UPSHUR—From one of the passengers
who arrived at Galveston Monday, we heard of the rumored
death of the gentleman whose name heads this article.
It was stated that he died of cholera, at Rio Grande City.
We shall wait further intelligence with great anxiety.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
March 1849 New Orleans Picayune,
New Orleans, LA
ON THE RIO GRANDE.—The New Orleans Picayune, of the 31st
ult., publishes the following extract from a latter dated
Brazos, March 24:
“I have been to Brownsville, where I found most of the stores
closed in consequence of the people having left, fearing
the cholera. Matamoras is most awfully afflicted with
this malady. I was there three times, but could not
see a business man; forty-five deaths occurred the day I
was there, and sixty-one burials took place yesterday out
of a population of only 7,000. Here the deaths are
two or three every day, and we have lost some of our best
men. F---- and myself were both taken to Brownsville,
but immediately procured attendance and are now doing well.
I have just learned the death of the clerk, mate and barkeeper
of the steamboat Tom McKinney.
contains 3000 people, and 35 have been buried there in one
day; there are only five Americans left in the whole place.
“Most of our population have left or died. No business
doing, and it is useless to attempt to do anything until
after the plague has left.”
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson,
9th 1849 The Sandusky Clarion
Sandusky, OH
The New Orleans Picayune
of March 29th has further particulars of WEBB’s California
expedition. It left New Orleans on the 4th of March
and reached Brazos on the 8th. The next day, they
proceeded up the Rio Grande and encamped opposite Clay Davies’
Ranchero. On the same evening cholera broke out amongst
them and one man died. The next day 3 others fell
victims to the same disease. It spread alarmingly
among the company, developing itself in its most awful type.
On the following day 4 more died, causing great consternation
among the survivors, of whom a large portion were more or
less affected by the same morbid symptoms.
A complete disorganization of the company followed.
Col. W. then left the camp and went up the river for the
purpose of buying mules, but before he returned, Mr. Anderson
ordered the company to disband, in consequence of the prevalence
of the frightful malady among them. 17 members of
the company, on the 3rd day after the cholera appeared,
returned to Brazos, and immediately sailed for New Orleans.
Audubon’s saddlebags, containing $12,000 in gold, had been
left in charge of the bar-keeper at Davies’s Rancho, who
plundered them and divided the spoils with another Mexican.
Subsequently a large part of the gold was disgorged by them,
under a threat of being shot, and fearing death from cholera,
by which the bar-keeper was attacked.
The following is a list of those who died at the encampment:
Hamilton of Boston
Of New York:
Samuel H. Liscom
J. T. Hall
J. Sherwood
W. H. Harrison of Cincinnati
Edward Whittlesey of Buffalo
J. Howard of N.O.
J. R. Bucknell of N. O.
John Lambert of N. O.
The bodies were brought over to the American side of the
river and interred at Davis Ranchero.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
19st April 1849
Burlington Hawk Eye, Burlington, IA
Wm H. Harrison, who died of
cholera on the Rio Grande, a few weeks since, was a grand-son
of President Harrison. He was a member of Col Webb’s
California Company
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
21st April 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
government steamer Hetzel arrived at Lavaca, from Brazos
Santiago, on Tuesday last, and left for New Orleans on Wednesday.
We are informed that she carried over some forty or fifty
Californians who found it impossible to proceed by the Brazos
route, among whom were the remnants of Col. WEBB’s party,
whose misfortunes we mentioned a week or two ago.
The Colonel himself, we understand, is in San Antonio.
The remains of tow or three other
parties were also on the Hetzel, including the sole surviving
member of a company of fifteen. Two of this party
were murdered at Matamoros and twelve died of cholera, leaving
but one man alive. Our informant was unable to learn
the name or starting point of this party.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
21st April 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
Jack. EVERITT left here for the Rio Grande, some time since,
he took with him a wagon belonging to Col. KINNEY, filled
with goods. This wagon, on its return, was to bring
out a Mexican family from Mier to this place, the head of
which, Gonzales, accompanied them. A party of mustangers,
who arrived here a few days since, report that the whole
party, including the driver, have been murdered by the Indians,
the mules stolen and the wagon broken to pieces. The
drivers, whose name was WELCH, was a temperate, industrious
man, and the mules were a very valuable team.
One old Mexican, who left with the wagon, is said to have
escaped during the fight and returned to Mier. We
trust this rumor is incorrect, but from the late reports
of the presence of large bodies of Indians on the Rio Grande,
we fear the worst. A day or two, however, will relieve
us from suspense.
The same men who brought the above news also state that
another body of Indians entered the town of Rio Grande City
(Clay Davis’) and stole therefrom all the horses belonging
to the artillery companies stationed at that place.
Some Mexicans went in pursuit and succeeded in recovering
a part of the horses. The Indians are said to be headed
by the notorious ROQUE, a Mexican who was taken prisoner
by the Comanches when a boy, and remained with them upwards
of twenty years. So great was the terror occasioned
by the presence of these Indians upon the Rio Grande, that
the different parties of mustangers were about to unite
at a given point for protections. (page 2, column 2)
The government steamer Hetzel arrived at Lavaca, from Brazos
Santiago, on Tuesday last, and left for New Orleans on Wednesday.
We are informed that she carried over some forty or fifty
Californians who found it impossible to proceed by the Brazos
route, among whom were the remnants of Col. WEBB’s party,
who misfortunes we mentioned a week or two ago. The
Colonel himself, we understand, is in San Antonio.
The remains of two or three other parties were also on the
Hetzel, including the sole surviving member of a company
of fifteen. Two of this party were murdered in Matamoros,
and twelve died of the cholera, leaving but one man alive.
Our informant was unable to learn the name or starting point
of this party. (page 2, column 1)
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
9th June 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
of Rio Grande City, is a candidate to represent the counties
of Starr, Webb, and Cameron in the next session of the State
Senate. We have not seen the announcement, but we
understand that Chief Justice A. G. STAKES is also a candidate
for the same office.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
Mr. UPSHUR—The friends of this
gentleman (whom we killed some time since on what we thought
was good authority) will be glad to learn that he is alive
and kicking. A letter from himself, announcing this
interesting fact, was shown to us yesterday, and as we suppose
he ought to know the true state of the case, we make the
amende. Seriously, we are happy to state that the
report of his death was incorrect, and that he may shortly
be expected to pay a visit to this section of the country.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
June 1849 The Corpus Christi Star,
Corpus Christi, TX
DEATH OF CAPT. DEAS.—Capt. Edward DEAS, 4th artillery, stationed
at Camp Ringgold, was drowned from on board the steamer
Yazoo near Rio Grande City, on the 6th inst.
Capt DEAS had served on both lines during the Mexican war,
and was taken prisoner shortly after the battles of the
8th and 9th of May[5].
His brother George DEAS was Assistant Adjutant General of
the Late General WORTH, commandant of the (S??) Military
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
June 1849 Republican Compiler, Gettysburg,
Edward DEAS of the 4th artillery, formerly stationed at
Carlisle Barrack, was drowned on the 13th ultimate from
steamer Yazoo, near Rio Grande City. He served in
both lines of the Mexican War, and was taken prisoner while
swimming across the river to see a Mexican senorita, and
carried to Matamoras. Capt. DEAS, although somewhat
eccentric in character, was nevertheless, rated among the
best drill officers in the army.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
30th June 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
LEWIS informs us that on the 24th inst. A party of Indains
made an attack on his house at the Salt Lake, and carried
off all the horses belonging to him. Capt. L. who
was at home at the time, as soon as he heard of the robbery,
immediately raised a party of six or eight men and started
in pursuit. Night coming on, they tracked the Indians
by their own signals, and finally overtaking them recovered
all their horses and one or two belonging to the enemy.
The Indians, however, escaped.
Capt LEWIS reports the condition of the whole Rio Grande
country as deplorable in the extreme. From Brownsville
to Laredo, with the exception of the towns of Rio Grande
City and Roma, the whole country on this side of the river
is desserted, most of the inhabitants having taken refuge
on the Mexican side; and a region which was a short time
since covered with large farms and ranchos, and comparatively
thickly populated, has become a howling wilderness.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
21st July 1849
The Corpus Christi Star, Corpus Christi, TX
INDIANS.—The mail rider from Rio Grande City to this (town
h)ad a narrow escape last week, having been (attacke)d by
a party of Indians some distance the other side (of El)
Encinales, and closely pursued for several miles, (the fl)eetness
of his horse saved him.
(A)bout the same time, a party of traders from Guerrero,
(?) in number, on their way to this town with a quantity
(of p)ack mules, were attacked by Indians near a place (cal?)led
the Presenos, about sixty miles from here, and one (of)
the party killed, another mortally wounded, and the (w)hole
caballada taken. The wounded man died before he could
be brought in here.
We learned that a party of Indians, number not ascertained,
was seen near the Alazan on Wednesday by some of the Mexicans
employed on Col KINNEY’s rancho. They were supposed
to be down there for the purpose of stealing horses and
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
August 1849 The Corpus Christi
Star, Corpus Christi, TX
of the Lynch Law.—The Brownsville Flag says that a few days
since, while in a fandango ballroom, a man by the name of
JACK MILLS committed an unprovoked murder upon the body
of a respectable Mexican citizen of that place—deliberately
shooting him down with his revolver. This act so exasperated
the citizens of Rio Grande City, when taken in connection
with the former acts and threats of this man, (MILLS,) that
a meeting was convened and resolutions passed that he should
be exterminated. A committee for this purpose was
appointed, who most fatally performed their mission—piercing
him, as we understand, with full thirty balls.”
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
CHAPTER VI: 1850-1853
mid 19th century was a period of aggressive expansion for
the US, following the precedents of the Mexican Cession,
the Oregon boundary disputes, and the Gadsen purchase.
Political instability and chaos in Northern Mexico encouraged
a number of Texans and veterans of the Mexican-American
war to reclaim and “liberate” the area they had occupied
during the previous war, under the title “Republic of the
Sierra Madre.”
The attempt to establish a new state
in Northern Mexico was led by Jose Maria Carbajal, a prominent
member of the Texas revolution, who championed a Northern
Mexican state (consisting of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas)
free from both Mexico and Texas. He was part of the
revolution establishing the short lived “Republic of the
Rio Grande” in 1840, and his politics resulted in seemingly
unusual allegiances, fighting for Texas in their revolution,
but for Mexico in the Mexican American War. He had
little trouble recruiting Texans to his cause, particularly
along the embattled Rio Grande Valley.
The motives of these “filibusters” were various. American
merchants had suffered substantial financial losses resulting
from strict and irregular tariffs, and frequent confiscation
of goods. In addition to threatening the financial
future of the border towns on which many had gambled there
entire fortunes, the political instability in Northern Mexico
enabled increasing incidents of American merchants being
slaughtered on either side of the Rio Grande by Mexican
bandits. Those who participated in a successful revolution
were also likely to receive immeasurable rewards in both
land and economic influence in the new state. Many
of the early merchants in Rio Grande City and Roma participated
in the four Merchant’s wars between 1850 and 1853.
The events included the occupation of Camargo in September
of 1850, a failed attack on Matamoros in October of 1850,
an invasion near Camargo in February of 1852, and attacks
at Camargo and Reynosa in the spring of 1853. Carbajal
raids often resulted in Mexican civilian casualties and
appeared as brutal and unjustified as the acts they supposedly
sought to prevent. All along, the American government
made frequent attempts to arrest and try the members of
these raids for violating the Neutrality Act, but these
legal actions had no lasting effect.
Citizens of Starr County that participated in the raids
included Jack Everitt, Edward R. Hord, A. H. Norton, R.
C. Trimble, and Peter Dowd.
26th February 1850 Zanesville
Courier, Zanesville, OH
Letters received here, on Saturday
evening announce the death of Capt W. F. BOWEN, formerly
a citizen of this place.
The accounts
are, substantially, as follows.—Mr. BOWEN and five others
were on a trading expedition to the interior of Mexico.
After crossing the Rio Grande at Roma, in Texas, they proceeded
on their way until near the town of Salinas, in Mexico,
about 75 miles from Roma, where they were met by three Mexicans,
who demanded their passports—the party not having passports,
were permitted to pass upon the payment of 50 dollars to
each Mexican. Shortly after the same three men with
thirty more made a similar demand.
Mr. Bowen’s
party then commenced unpacking their mules and making breastworks
of the packs. Two of the party then went out to negotiate
with the leaders of the gang, and while so doing, an attack
was made—by 15 or 20 Mexicans crowding upon BOWEN’s party,
and the fight immediately commenced, and resulted in the
death of three Americans (or 2 killed and 1 wounded) Capt
BOWEN, being the last who fell. The two men who went
out to negotiate were made prisoners, and sent to the Camargo
the last of the party, was by some accident a few miles
in the rear, and escaped and has returned to Roma.
We also copy the account of this melancholy occurrence from
extracts of New Orleans papers in the Baltimore Sun…
Grayson, 2007
contain new from Brownsville, Texas to the 30th ult.
The Texans are much excited on the subject of protection
of their frontier, and find great fault with the secretary
of War for furnishing them with infantry instead of cavalry,
and call for the raising of companies of rangers—The
New Orleans True Delta publishes
a letter dated Camargo Jan (39?), giving an account of the
murder of Texans by Mexicans as follows:
A few days
ago, a number of Texan merchants were brutally murdered
near Salinas, by the official bandits that occupy this line,
seemingly for the purpose of enforcing the revenue laws,
but in reality to plunder and brutally murder, without any
provocation, all parties that are not in sufficient force
to protect themselves. I will state the particulars
of the late atrocity as related to me by one of the Americans
now in prison here. L. WARTHINGTON, W. F. BOWEN, R.
CAMPBELL, --- HILLMAN and PETER MANGUS, all of Roma, brought
over some goods to this side of the river. If they
complied not with the law, they did with the customs of
this Mexican frontier, by paying the guards to let them
pass. The same was agreed upon $250. The traders
were only a few leagues on the road, when the same officers
who took the bribe, overhauled them and demanded another
stipend, which was complied with by the Americans.
A few days afterwards, while the party was encamped at a
creek near Salinas, they were surprised by the very same
officers, who has already received two bribes to pass the
goods, and a force of twenty-five soldiers, and fired upon
before they had time to seize their arms. At the first
volley, Mr. WORTHINGTON was shot through the head.
CAMPBELL gallantly returned fire, but he soon fell, pierced
by eight balls. BOWEN, who was desperately wounded
by the first fire, retreated towards the creek, and was
pursued by the ruthless miscreants, who beat his brains
out with the butt of WARTHINGTON’s gun. HILLMAN and
MANGUS being left alone, and when all hope of being able
to defend against such fearful odds had ?? surrendered at
discretion. The latter requested only permission to
bury the remains of their fallen comrades, but even that
?? was denied them. The Mexicans, after mutilating
the dead, a prey to the wolves and vultures.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2007
June 26th 1851
Texas State Gazette, Austin, TX
By the arrival of the steamer “Tom
Kirkman,” from above, we learn that a serious affray occurred
at Rio Grande City on the 21st ult. Between D. W. Shropshire
and J. Van Alston, in which the former was killed.
They were both gamblers, residing at the above place, and
it is said that the affray was caused by a dispute at the
gaming table. Both parties were well armed with pistols
and bowie knives, which were all brought into requisition,
the latter article producing the horrible and fatal finales.—Rio
Grande Sentinel
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2005
September 26th 1851
New York Times, New York City, NY
Important from the Rio Grande—The
Revolutionary movement in Tamaulipas.
The Houston (Texas) Telegraph of
the 5th instant comes to use with some further particulars,
more definite in detail, than any we have yet had, concerning
the movement on foot in the States of Coahuila and Tamaulipas,
to declare their independence of Mexico. We quote:
Their plans are now so well matured that a decisive blow
will probably be struck in a few weeks. A large number
of volunteers from Texas have been enlisted and large quantities
of arms, ammunition, and military stores have been procured
to carry on the war against the Central Government.
Upward of 200 texan volunteers were encamped near Roma a
few weeks since, waiting for orders from CANALES and his
It is said
that General AVALOS and the other officers in command of
the Mexican forces, are aware that the great mass of people
of those Departments are opposed to the Central Government,
and they have intimated to the leaders of the revolutionary
party that they can offer but a feeble resistance if a respectable
military force is brought to operate against them.
It is also said that Gen. AVALOS has actually removed a
portion of his property to Brownsville, in anticipation
of the success of the revolutionary party. CARABAJAL
at present is the ostensible commander of the revolutionary
forces, but as soon as offensive operations are commenced,
it is probably that CANALES will take command in person.
The Americans on this side of the Rio Grande are quite confident
that this movement will be successful, as the Central Government
is so destitute of means, that it is unable to pay the soldiers
now stationed along the frontier, and they are consequently
much dissatisfied.
It is believed that a large number of the Government troops
will join the standard of CARABAJAL as soon as it is displayed
on the west bank of the Rio Grande. Many of the merchants
on this side of the river are willing to aid the revolutionary
party, as they have suffered severely from the impositions
of the Mexican custom-house officers. The trade of
Brownsville, Roma, and most of the towns on the east bank
of the Rio Grande, has lately been almost ruined by the
Mexican revenue officers, who have endeavored, by the most
tyrannical impositions, to prevent Americans from trading
with any of the towns or settlements.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
October 15th 1851 Burlington
Hawkeye, Burlington IA
The latest accounts from the
Rio Grande, bring intelligence of a revolutionary movement
on the northern frontier of Mexico. On the 3rd Sept.,
the citizens of Guerrero put forth a pronunciamento, followed
on the 6th by one from Camargo. The causes assigned
for the revolutionary movement are, as we learn, as follows:
The utter failure of the
Federal Government to protect the Northern Mexican States
from Indian Depredations
The unjust, unequal, and
prohibitory system of duties, which operates most destructively
on the interest of the people of the frontier.
The despotic powers exercised
by the Federal government, over the rights and representation
of the several states.
The advocates of the revolution,
comprising of many native Mexicans and a number of Americans,
are commanded by Col. CARVAJAL, an active, enterprising
and efficient partisan captain. They demand, in substance,
the expulsion of permanent troops from the State; the inviolability
of the reights and property of the citizens; the endowment
of the States with all powers not granted to the General
Government; equal representation in the Senate by popular
election; the abolition of prohibitions; and the reduction
of impost duties, the abrogation of the heavy penalties
for smuggling, and simple forfeiture substituted; the free
introduction of groceries on the frontier for five years;
a frontier customs house at Reynoso; the liberating force
to be employed in protecting the frontier states from the
savages, &c., &c. The forces will not lay
down their arms until these are obtained, and if the Government
persists in refusing the armed petition, the Sates will
organize a provision government, laying aside all ideas
of sucession or annexation.
From this the reader may judge the view of the Revolutionary
The Revolutionist had several engagements with the Government
troops; Camargo, Mier, and several other towns were in their
hands, and they were in march for Reynoso and Matamoras.
Among the knowing ones it is said President Arista is at
the head of this movement, and that he is now en route from
Mexico to Sierra Madre, his object being to revolutionize
all the northern Mexican States.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
23rd 1851 New York Times, New York City, NY
Northern Mexico—The Revolution
From the New Orleans True Delta
Since I last had this pleasure, the Comanche and the U.
S. Steamer corvette have arrive from the Upper Rio Grande,
nearly opposite the head quarters of Col Carvajal, bringing
news now confirmatory of previous advice, of the fight at
Camargo. Col CARVAJAL commenced the engagement with
but fifty men, and continued it in a series of skirmishes
for two days, losing only the use, for a time, of seven
men slightly wounded. The government troops, commanded
by Col Camacho, numbered, it is stated, nearly two hundred,
of which number he had thirty eight killed and as many more—most
of them dangerously—wounded, the remainder surrendering
themselves prisoners of war.
General AVALOS—or, as he is termed, Guajalote, by his enemies,
from exploits attributed to him in former years, on the
Vera Cruz and City of Mexico Road—has fortified himself
for a siege in Matamoros! His position is equally
disagreeable and unsafe, and he cannot but be satisfied
of it.
A few days ago the city authorities waited upon him to request
compliance with the new tariff of rates established by Col
CARVAJAL for the government of the Custom House officials,
and which they demanded to have put in force immediately.
His compliance was quickly extorted, but the Collector was
refractory, and protested against the change, and was only
brought to his senses by the Jefe Politico ordering out
the National Guard, and placing him and his Deputy in custody,
where they have remained until the present time in close
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
October 31st, 1851 New
York Times, New York City, NY
The Sierra Madre Disturbance
From the New Orleans True Delta
The state of affairs in the Northern States of our feeble
neighbor, as detailed in our columns yesterday morning,
differ little, if at all, from that of previous dates, no
collision of opposing forces, no further demonstrations
of hostile or revolutionary character as other points than
those previously particularized, having occurred.
The whereabouts of CANALES appears to be a matter of some
doubt, although he had declared for the revolution, and
had been one of its earliest and most active instigators.
His well known faithles (sic) character and moral worthlessness
prevented any reliance being placed upon his professions,
or any credit given to his boastful parades of readiness
to cooperate in the movement to separate the Sierra Madre
country from the parent stem. His purpose, it is generally
believed upon the frontier, was solely to obtain the control
of the revolt, so as to be more favorably situated to sate
his cupidity, when the necessities of the Government at
the city of Mexico compelled it to negotiate for the reestablishment
of the status quo, not having the means of reducing its
refractory citizens to order and subordination.
In this expectation, if really indulged by him, he was completely
disappointed, by the greater celerity of CARAVAJAL, who,
possessed of a better character for talents, intelligence
and probity, has managed to attract to his standard a formidable
body of men enured to war, acquainted with a soldier’s duty,
and familiar with frontier service, many of them having
borne arms before, during and since the Mexican war, in
Northern Mexico, and on the United States line of the Rio
It was mainly owing to the efficiency of these auxiliaries
that his triumph over the troops of the confederation at
Camargo was obtained, and the severe loss of the latter,
a circumstance that is never noticed in slight actions
between contending bodies of Mexicans, is entirely attributed
to their skill, coolness and intrepidity as marksmen.
He has since been joined by Capt. Ford of the Texan
Rangers, who was mustered out of the United States Service
on the 23rd of September; and who with the rank of Lt. Col.
Is at the head of about three hundred picked men, constituting
the elite and reliable of the revolutionary army.
Col. Ford has the character of being an intelligent, daring,
and enterprizing (sic) partizan (sic) officer, and if not
betrayed by the slippery chiefs with whom he will be constantly
in contact, and in some measure subordinate to, he will
give infinite trouble to any force treble to his own in
numbers that can be brought against him. As at present
contemplated, however, his movement in conjunction with
CARVAJAL appears to us full of rashness unless the people
of Northern Mexico are more united and determined than advices
in our possession justify us in concluding. If CARVAJAL
be so close to Matamoros, as is represented, with a force
of eleven hundred men—or six hundred, as our correspondent
with greater correctness, we think, states—the success or
unsuccess of the revolution will soon be determined, as
AVALOS declares himself immovably fixed in his resolution
to give battle to the “rebels.” The later officer,
by reducing the duties on imports, has replenished his military
chest—the estimated value of the good introduced from the
American side of the river exceeding five hundred thousand
dollars, principally owned by foreign houses. This
move of his is very adroit, but the mechants who have profited
by it are very sharply reprehended by the friends of the
Revolution, who allege that they were influenced more by
cupidity than a love of freedom in the steps taken.
Merchants generally are more mindful of their individual
interests than the affairs of States, or the intrigues and
pronunciamentos of turbulent military chieftains, and we
are less surprised to find them introducing their merchandise
in this instance, than at their temerity in risking it in
a city soon, in all probability, to be the theatre of a
bloody contest, with results so very uncertain. Should
CARVAJAL succeed over AVALOS, there can be no doubt of his
intentions in regard to the merchandise introduced by permission
of the latter; but in any case, it is more than doubtful
if they even be permitted to leave Matamoros, intil an increase
equal to the difference between what they have already paid
and the Mexican Tariff be exacted.
We notice an address of proclamation of AVALOS to the soldiers
and citizens, in which he charges upon two American houses
in Brownsville, the responsibility of originating the present
disturbances. No one knows better than AVALOS the
utter untruthfulness of the charge, or better qualified
to explain fully the origin of the discontent, and the causes—entirely
of Mexican origin—which produced it.
We regret to find a disposition, as unworthy as it is ungenerous,
existing between Point Isabel and at Brownsville, to implicate
honorable merchants in Mexican broils, upon no better evidence
than is furnished by a vigilant and judicious regard for
their own interests, for to that extent, no more, are they
involved in transactions with which American citizens cannot,
and ought not, if they respect the laws of their country,
to be compromised.
Whatever man be the result of CARVAJAL’s present movements,
we are sure our citizens will hold themselves aloof from
any active participation in the quarrel, leaving it with
those who originated if and their allies, who have denationalized
themselves to take part in the emeute.
That Mexico cannot reduce her Northern States to subjection,
if they are determined to set up for themselves, is certain;
but of that determination we are not sufficiently assured
to be able to speak with any confidence, or predict the
probable end of the affair.
From the New Orleans Picayune
have received a letter from Texas vy the last arrival, in
which it is distinctly asserted that Capt. Forbes BRITTON,
of Corpus Christi, has had no hand whatever in fomenting
or getting up the revolution now in progress across the
Rio Grande, and which, as every one at all posted up on
the subject knows, is headed by CARVAJAL, a Mexican of revolutionary
notoriety. The late outbreak, which appears to have
been successful, so far, is stated in this letter to be
a Mexican speculation at bottom, although no inconsiderable
number of Texan Rangers, recently disbanded and with nothing
to do, have joined the revolutionists. The friends
of Capt. BRITTON, knowing that he has been all the while
in Corpus Christi pursuing his regular vocations, fell hurt
at seeing his name in any way mixed up with this business
of CARVAJAL’s, and one of them has written us, desiring
that we should contradict the rumor that he had any hand
in it.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
14th, 1851
New York Times, New York City, NY
By telegraph to The New York Times
Desertion of American Troops – Government
troops concentrating at Monterey
New Orleans, Tuesday, Nov. 11,
The steamship Louisiana arrive at this port to-day, with
advices from Galveston, Texas to the 7th inst.
All the troops but ten, who were stationed at the Ringgold
barracks, have deserted and joined the insurgents.
The Mexican Government are concentrating their forces at
Monterey, and Gen. Uraga has been appointed to the command
of 5,000 men, with whom he intends marching at once to the
seat of war, for the purpose of suppressing the revolution,
if he can.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
13th 1852 New York Times, New York City, NY
Difficulties between the United States
and Mexican Authorities—Position of Carvajal,
From the N. O. Picayune Jan.
By the arrival last evening of the
schooner alderman, from the Brazos, we have received the
Rio Bravo of the 24th ult., and also our special correspondence
up to the same date. From these sources of information
we are led to believe that the position of CARVAJAL is not
so desperate as it had appeared. The rumor that
he had been arrested and imprisoned by Gen. Harney is destitute
of foundation. It is not certainly known whether he
is on this side of the other of the Rio Grande, but it is
evident that reinforcements are congregating to assist him.
The Rio Bravo of the 24th contains CARVAJAL’s official report
to the ayuntamientos of Guerrero, Mier, Camargo and Laredo.
As this is merely a recetial of events, the particulars
of which we have already published, we do not think it is
necessary to copy the document. The following is the
concluding paragraph of the report:
To particularize would require too much space. Should
the reports of the large force, which the tyrant has placed
at the disposal of his willing tools, AVALOS, URAGA, and
the faithless traitor, CANALES, be confirmed, I shall for
the present, in imitation of the heroes of our revolution,
divide my forces into small parties to observe and harass
the enemy. Before many weeks I shall assume the offensive,
and drive them from your soil…
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
February 10th 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Rio Grande
Monday Feb. 9,
A letter
from the Rio Grande says that the Mexican Congress has refused
to ratify the reduced tariff of Gen AVALOS for Matamoros.
The latter says he will resist the action.
WARD, of New York, Government Revenue agent, has arrived
in Rio Grande City.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
March 6th 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Later from the Rio Grand—The Sierra
Madre Revolution—Proceedings of the U. S. Court at Brownsville…
New Orleans, Tuesday Feb 24,
By the arrival of the steamship Yacht yesterday from Brazos
Santiago, which port she left on the 19th inst., we have
letters from the Rio Grande to the 17th inst. Judge
Watrous, of the U. S. district Court, which has lately
been in session in Brownsville, came passenger on the Yacht.
He proceeds to Washington City to attend his impeachment
before the House of representatives. The Court adjourned
on the 12th inst., and the Grand Inquest found true bills
against a number of people for violating the neutrality
laws of 1818, among whom are the following: Gen. J. M. J.
R. H. FORD, and R. C. TRIMBLE. The cases were continued
until the next June term, but it is very doubtful whether
any of them will ever be tried—for, in the first place,
with a few exceptions, none of them have been arrested.
The increase tax laid by the Mexican Government on the imports,
which is so bitterly denounced by the merchants and citizens
generally, is highly favorable to the revolutionary movements
of Gen CARVAJAL, who was daily expected to attack Camargo,
and then make a descent on Matamoros…
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
April 12th 1852
Republican Compiler, Gettysburg, PA
Still Later form Texas—American Steamboat
Fired Upon by the Mexicans
NEW ORLEANS, April 7th—Late advices
from Texas report that the steamer Camanche, while ascending
the Rio Grande with forty passengers, including many ladies,
and also general CARVAJAL, was fired upon by the Mexican
soldiers from the bank of the river. The shot struck
the boat, but luckily no lives were lost. The shots
were probably intended for CARVAJAL. The outrage had
excited much indignation on the part of the Americans.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
21st 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
The Rio Bravo has the following Rio Grande Items:
“ General CARVAJAL, having business in Brownsville, arrived
here yesterday morning on the Comanche. On his way
down, he was arrested by a company of United States troops,
under Lieutenant GIBBONS. Immediately on his arrival at
this place, bail was entered, and CARVAJAL was discharged
from custody.
The General is accompanied by Brevet Lieut. Col J. H. GONZALES,
his aid and military secretary, Col Jose M. CABASOS, formerly
in command of the Reynosa squadron, and Major A. N. NORTON
of the commissary department. Col. CABASOS, (whose
grandfather was executed by the Spanish Government, 1817)
with Don Ignazio GUERRA, and several other gentlemen of
this frontier, who are with him, are exiles.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
May 12 1852
The Ohio Repository, Canton, OH
May 3, 1852, New Orleans
Great excitement prevailed at Rio
Grande City in consequence of the murder of Mr. Patton,
a respectable merchant, by the Mexicans. A number
of citizens pursued and overtook the murderers & lynched
them, and also a party of six others belonging to an organized
band formed for robbing and murdering Americans. The
murderers professed to act under Gen. Canales and say that
Canales intends to capture Brownsville. The citizens
are preparing to receive him
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
7th 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
from the Rio Grande—Lawless State of Affairs
New Orleans, Monday May 3.
We have received from Brownsville
dates to the 28th ult. The inhabitants of Rio Grande
City were greatly excited by the murder of a Mr. PATTON,
a respectable merchant, by some Mexicans, who were
pursued and captured some ten miles out of the city, and
immediately hung—and also, six others, who were said to
belong to a regularly organized band for murdering and robbing
Americans. Several murders and robberies have been
committed by Mexicans, who profess to act under Gen. CANALES’
orders, and say that they will soon alarm and capture Brownsville.
The settlers on the American side of the river were all
arming and preparing for future attacks.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
11th 1852 New York Times, New York City,
FROM TEXAS.—Late Brownsville
papers announce the murder of Mr. PATTEN, of Brazos, by
some Mexicans, near the Rio Grande City, and the hanging
of the murderers by citizens of the latter place.
A party also started out and killed six other Mexicans in
the neighborhood, who had been a longtime in the habit of
committing depredations.
Mr. THOMAS H. HARRIS, of Rio Grande, is missing, and is
supposed to have been murdered.
The house of A. V. EDMUNDSON, about 40 miles from Brownsville,
was charged upon by a band of Mexicans and robbed of everything
it contained, which was carried off, together with all the
settler’s stock. The robbers were said to act under
the orders of General CANALES.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
May 13th 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Important from the Rio Grande.
By arrival of the Yacht at New Orleans,
we have Brownsville papers to the 24th of April.
The old tariff of 1845 is now (since the 14th ult.) in force
in Matamoros, the one temporarily established by the local
authorities of that place, during the prevalence of the
recent disturbances on the frontier, having been removed.
The Genio, a Matamoros paper, says that it is true that
the steamer Camanche was fired into by Mexicans from that
bank of the river, those who committed the deed deserve
severe chastisement.
The same paper informs us that the citizens of that place
have united in a petition for the pardon of four of CARVAJAL’s
men, two Americans and two Mexicans, taken prisoner during
the siege of Matamoros, and for the last six months incarcerated
The Rio Bravo of the 28th, contains
the following account of some exciting events at Rio Grande
a gentleman from Brazos, formerly of Missouri, started from
Rio Grande City for the purpose of overtaking some stock,
which was being driven into the interior, and stopped to
sleep at a noted camping ground, called “The Well.”
Here were encamped two Mexicans and a boy. When Mr.
P. was asleep he was set upon and his brains beaten out
by these fellows, for the sake of his money and effects.
Information to this effect having been given by the boy,
a party of citizens started out in pursuit, and one of the
fellows was taken. After a regular trial, he was hung
by the citizens of Rio Grande city, in the presence of the
whole people—all concurring. Just before his execution,
he made other confessions, in consequence of which a party
started from Roma, crossed the river, and returned with
the other fellow who had assisted in the murder of Mr. Patton.
After the same formalities had been extended to him, he
was also hung at that place. But the work was not
yet finished—justice was to be administer to others.
A party started out, and near the scene of the murder, charged
upon and killed six more of the villains, who have been
in the habit for a long time, of committing similar depredations
in the vicinity.
The Rio Bravos says that Mr. THOS.
H. HARRIS, of Roma, in all probability has been murdered
by the same gang of robber, or one of its various ramifications.
The same
paper says that the mail rider from Brownsville was killed
by Indians about 20 miles from Laredo.
All accounts
from that quarter, says the Rio Bravo, speak in the most
gloomy and desponding tone of the probability of ever being
relieved from the scourge with which they are so frequently
visited. Most of the settlers have recrossed the rive
for protection, and their field remain uncultivated.
There is but one feeling on this subject, upon the Rio Grande,
and that is, that an entire change in relation to Indian
policy must be adopted by the Government, or the territory,
for which so much treasure and blood was shed, will shortly
revert back to its original owners—the red skins.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
17, 1852
Republican Compiler,
We have Brownsville papers
to the 28th of April. The Rio Bravo of that date contains
the following:
A party
of gentlemen arrived last evening from Rio Grande city,
from whom we learn that Mr. PATTON, a gentleman from Brazos,
Texas, formerly of Missouri, started from Rio Grande city,
for the purpose of overtaking some stock which was driven
into the interior, and stopped to sleep at a noted campground
called “The Well.” Here were encamped two Mexicans
and a boy.
When Mr.
P. was asleep, he was set upon and his brains beaten out
by these fellows, for the sake of his money and effects.
Information to this effect have been given by the boy, a
party of citizens started out in pursuit, and one of the
fellows was taken. After a regular trial, he was hung
by the citizens of Rio Grande City, in the presence of the
whole people—all concurring. Just before the execution,
he made other confessions, from which a party started at
Roma, crossed the river, and returned with the other fellow
who had assisted at the murder of Mr. PATTON-he was also
hung. But the work was not yet finished. A party
started out and near the scene of the murder charged upon
and killed six others, who have been in the habit, for a
long time, of committing similar depredation in the vicinity.
We have neither space nor inclination to comment on these
events. Those abroad can know nothing of our situation
and the necessity of such acts. It is sufficient to
say that the whole people concurred in the executions.
We have yet to record
another probably murder, and probably by the same gang of
robbers of one of its various ramifications. Mr. THOMAS
H. HARRIS of Roma left Rio Grande city for this place, about
sixteen days ago, and has not since been heard from.
There is scarcely a doubt as to his fate.
If things
go on at this rate not a Mexican, in a short time, will
be suffered to live upon this side of the river.
Since writing
the above, we have seen a letter from Rio Grande City, in
which it is stated that the murderers confessed that a party
to which they belonged was organized on the other side of
the river for the express purpose of murdering Americans
on this side of the river, and that a large number of gang
are still on this side.
Mexican Irruption—American
Settlers Driven from their Homes.—The house of Mr. A. V.
EDMONDSON was attacked on Friday last, while the inmates
including himself and two or three others persons, were
unconscious of any danger. Upon going to the door,
Mr. Edmondson saw that the house was surrounded by Mexican
robbers, who, upon his appearance, commenced firing upon
the house. Seizing his arms, which were unfortunately
not in condition for use, he called upon the others to follow,
made a rush through the line and succeeded in making is
escape unhurt. Many shots were fired after them, but
none took effect; one man however, had three ball holes
through his shirt.
to a ranch at some distance, they obtained assistance, but
returned too late to effect their purpose. The place
had been completely robbed of everything it contained—all
the household furniture, provisions, clothing, down to the
smallest articles, were carried across the river, and all
stock, consisting of twenty-two horses and mules, driven
off, as they believe, in the direction of Matamoras, on
the Mexican side of the river. A skirmish across the
river took place between the parties, and the robbers, in
derision, said they had only now commenced, and intended
to rob every American on the river, and kill them if they
could. They said they were acting under the orders
of General Canales, and they intended shortly to attack
and sack Brownsville. Threats of this kind have been
frequently made from persons over the way, and it is said,
have in many instances come from Mexican officers.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
3rd 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Later form the Rio Grande,
More Mexican Outrages.
New Orleans, Wednesday June 2nd
The Steamship Yacht had arrived at this port with date from
Brownsville of the 26th ult. Outrages by the Mexicans
are of continued occurrence. A party from the Mexican
side crossed the Rio Grande and killed five Americans, who
were encamped at Lake Campacuas, on the American side—two
others succeeded in effecting their escape. The steamer
Camanche had again been fired into by the Mexicans, and
Mr. BRASHEAR, a Custom House officer was dangerously wounded.
An American lady passenger narrowly escaped with her life.
At Rio Grande City, a Mr. ROGERS, an American merchant,
was assassinated in his own store, by a party of Mexicans.
The most intense excitement prevails alongside the river.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
June 10rd 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Important from the Rio Grande
From the New Orleans Picayune, June
2 1852
By the arrival at this port of the steamship Yacht, from
Brazos Santiago, we have received dates from Brownsville
to the 26th ult. The new is of the most exciting character
The Flag of the 15th ult. States that, on the evening of
the 10th ult., a gang of about forty men, consisting of
Mexicans and Indians, attacked a party of seven Americans
who were encamped at a lake called Campacacuas; five of
those at the camp are said to have been murdered, and all
their party taken into Mexico. Two of the men, fortunately,
were on the margin of the lake, shooting ducks, at the time,
and succeeded in making their escape. These robbers
and murderers are said to have crossed the river some forty
mile above Brownsville, on Monday, the 7th ult., and a detachment
of them openly recrossed it again soon after perpetrating
the murder, bearing with them the right hand of each of
their slaughtered victims, while the remainder of the savages
coolly encamped on the ground where the massacre occurred,
expecting, no doubt, another feast of blood from those they
deemed absent from the camp, and would probably return,
unsuspicious of danger.
The population of the neighborhood was not only too sparse
for resistance, but afraid to venture out to bury the dead
after the murderers were gone. The Flag contains a
letter from WARREN ADAMS, which says that it is understood
that these Mexicans and Indians were instructed by the authorities
in Mexico, to kill and plunder all American citizens near
the frontier, and that acting, as they did, under the instructions
of the aforesaid authorities, they mutilated the bodies
of the murdered men, taking the right hand of each to testify
that they were entitled to the reward of thirty to fourty
dollars offered by Mexico for each American they murdered
on the frontier.
The Rio Bravo of the 20th says that the steamer Camanche
was fired again into last week, and a lady passenger, Mrs.
ROGERS, the wife of the man spoken of above who was on her
way up to join her husband, very narrowly escaped a similar
The following card, published in the Rio Bravo, gives the
particulars of the outrage:
We the undersigned passengers from Brownsville to St. Louis,
Edinburg, and Rio Grande City, on the steamboat called the
Camanche, commanded by RICHARD KING, and plying on the Rio
Grande, to and from the American towns on said river, exclusively,
do, hereby state that, on Monday , May 17, 1852, at a point
known by the name of Rancho Santa Anna, on the Mexican shore,
while said boat was quietly and peaceably pursuing her course
up said river from Brownsville, as aforesaid, she was fired
into from the Mexican shore while very near the same, by
a party of Mexicans (exact number not known) who discharged
some twelve shots, two of which took effect on the persons
of W. B. BRASHER and his son, a boy of some four years old,
and the balance on different parts of the boat.
Mr. BRASHER is a Revenue officer, stationed at Rio Grande
City, and was proceeding up the river, accompanied by his
family, to resume the duties of his office at that place.
We further state that there was no cause or provocation
given by any of the passengers, officers or crew of said
boat. To warrant the outrage thus wantonly committed
to a vessel belonging to the United States, and running
upon a river free to both nations.
We, the undersigned, officers, on board the steamboat Camanche,
do hereby certify that the above statement is correct and
true in every particular.
R. KING, Captain.
J. M. WARL, Mate.
On the evening of the 14th inst., Mr. PHILIP ROGERS, a merchant
of Rio Grande City, while standing behind his counter, was
stabbed to the heart and killed by a Mexican, who had, ostensibly,
come in to purchase goods.
As strange as it may seem abroad, says the Rio Bravo, this
is the tenth murder which has taken place within the last
three weeks. For the last two months the average has
been three killed per week. No man’s life is safe
from these Mexican assassins for a single hour. It
has become a grave question, what is to be done in this
state of things? If it should continue there will
not be an American on the river in six months.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
July 21st 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
San Antonio Western Texan,
of the 7th inst., says: “ It is reported that an express
passed through this city, on Sunday, from Brownsville, with
dispatches for GOV. BELL, and stated that the Mexicans had
fired into another steamboat, killing the captain and wounding
several others. It has also been reported that another
express passed through here, on Tuesday, from Rio Grande
City, with dispatches for Gov. BELL, and stated that Roma
and Rio Grande City have been attacked by about five hundred
Mexicans and Indians, and all the houses burned, and that
several Americans had been killed. We give these reports
as we heard them on the streets, without passing any reliance
on them.”
Not much reliance was placed on the report of CARVAJAL’s
intentions to attack Matamoros.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
22nd 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
The San Antonio Texans says
that “ it is reported” that couriers have passed through
that city with intelligence that the Mexicans had fired
into another steamboat on the Rio Grande, killing the captain,
and wounding several others; and that Roma and Rio Grande
city had been attacked by about five hundred Mexicans and
Indians, and all the houses burned, except that of CLAY
DAVIS and a fandango house, in the latter place, and that
several Americans had been killed.
The Nueces Valley learns by a private letter from the Rio
Grande, that it is the intention of Gen CARVAJAL to make
one more attempt to take Matamoros. The editor does
not think the attempt will succeed, as CARVAJAL’s previous
defeats had given his enemies confidence, and he does not
possess sufficient confidence with the people.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
September 6th 1852
New York Times, New York City, NY
Later from Texas
From the New Orleans Picayune 25,
By the arrival of the steamship Louisiana, Capt. FORBES,
we have received dates from Galveston to the 20th ult.
The Southwestern American learns that Col J. S. GILLETTE
will soon leave Austin for the Rio Grande, where he will
muster into service three companies of rangers, for the
protection of the frontier; and that Capt. G. K LEWIS, Henry
Clay DAVIS, and Mr. SHAW have been commissioned to raise
A correspondent of the Nueces Valley, writing from Brownsville
Preparations are being made in the State of Tamaulipas for
a coup d’etat. The Governor elect RAMON PRMETO, is
entitled to his seat on the 15th inst, but it is understood
that JESUS CARDENAS does not intend to surrender the reins
of government without being compelled to do so by force.
Both parties are arming for war.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
8th 1852 New York Times, New York City,
From the New Orleans Delta, Nov 30.
A meteor of a very large size was seen to fall at Roma,
on the evening of the 20th of Nov., at about 7 o’clock,
bearing South from that place, which was accompanied by
a slight shock of an earthquake, which kept the river for
a few moments in quite a commotion, and caused the windows
in the frame houses to rattle to the tune of Yankee Doodle.
It was seen at a considerable distance; though it appeared
as large in size as a 32-pound cannon ball, and although
the evening was quite dark, it made all appear as bright
as the midday sun.
A man by the name of SMALLY was shot in Rio Grande City
a few days since, by Mr. OBERLY, who, as usual in such cases,
has escaped. SMALLY, it is thought, will not recover.
Many of the National Guard of Matamoros have again passed
over to this side of the river, and…
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
11th 1853 New York Times, New York City, NY
Southern Mail Arrival—From
the Rio Grande Seizure of Reynosa by Carvajal
New Orleans
papers of Sunday and Monday have been received.
The Picayune has the Rio Grande Flag of March 30 which says
CARVAJAL had again crossed the river, and taken possession
of Reynosa. The band of adventurers numbered sixty
men, under the immediate command of Major NORTON, one of
the leaders in the first movement of CARVAJAL. The
real objective of this foray seems to have made itself manifest
from the outset, as one of the first acts of the men, on
entering Reynosa, was to seize the principal citizens, the
Alcades or civil magistrates, and hang them up till they
had extorted $4,000 as a price for their lives and the security
of the defenseless citizens. A rumor was current in
Brownsville that the town of Edinburg had been destroyed,
from some cause growing out of a new filibuster movement,
but the Flag was unable to trace it to a reliable source.
Edinburg is an American town situated in from of the
Mexican town of Reynosa.
The Picayune has also private letters which confirm the
seizure of Reynosa and mention a threatened attack on Edinburg.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
12th 1853 New York Times, New York City,
The following from the N. O.
Picayune was referred to in our telegraphic dispatch on
BROWNSVILLE, Wednesday March 30th 1853.
GENTLEMEN—Presuming that an account, although a hasty one,
of the filibustering operations along the Rio Grande will
not be unexceptible, I send you a few lines in relation
thereto. CARAVAJAL, the second WASHINGTON, as he styled
himself just before he ran away from Matamoras, is again
in arms, robbing and plundering the frontier, and unless
a strong arm is interposed for our protection, the scenes
of two years ago will be renewed. Some time before
the Texas Rangers were disbanded it was known that CARVAJAL
was intriguing with them to join his standard, and it appears
with considerable success. They were mustered out
of the State service about the 6th of this month, and as
soon as they could be united a plan of attacking Reynosa
was formed and carried out a few days ago. A Major
NORTON, who lost an arm at Matamoros, and at present a Justice
of the Peace, took possession o Reynossa on the 26th inst.
with fifty or sixty Americans, mostly disbanded Rangers.
He demanded a large sum of money in the name of CARVAJAL,
and as the article was somewhat scarce he strung up the
Alcalde until he turned over the money, when he returned
to plunder on this side of the river.
It is reported that one or two Mexicans were killed by way
of pastime. CARVAJAL is said to be about with a much
larger force, threatening Camargo. He is supposed
to have about 100 Rangers with him, and a large party of
renegade Mexicans. The movement is a marauding one,
which adds tenfold to its enormity. The Mexicans threatened
to retaliate, and an express has been received from Edinburg
for military protection. The commanding officer at
Fort Brown has set up a small detachment of foot, but they
will be of little service. We want protection on the
Rio Grande. There is an entire regiment of mounted
rifles somewhere on the prairies, which should be along
our river. From Ringgold down a distance of some 200
miles, there is not a single mounted man.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
21st 1853
New York Times, New York City, NY
Arrest and Imprisonment of
New Orleans, Wednesday, April 20
The Delta has later new from the Rio Grande, the dates being
the 15th inst.
A company of United States troops had arrested Carvajal
at Rio Grande City. He was afterwards released, and
again arrested by the United States Marshal, and is now
confined at Fort Brown, under s strong guard. Witnesses
have been summoned to attend examination, which takes place
on the 20th inst.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
April 23rd 1853 New
York Times, New York City, NY
Filibustering on the Rio Grande
Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican
BROWNSVILLE, Texas, March 30, 1853
The filibustiers are again in motion, and it will not be
at all surprising if the scenes of two years ago were reenacted
with some few addenda. Some time before the Texas
Rangers were mustered out of service, CARVAJAL was negotiating
with them under his standard for another foray across the
Rio Grande. You may recollect that the first
filibustier movement was made by the disbanded rangers joining
CARVAJAL. This second one has been brought about by
the same kind of people. The three companies of rangers
were mustered out about the 6th inst. and it appears quite
a number of them immediately joined CARVAJAL. Active
operations commenced on the 25th or 26th inst. by the capture
of Reynosa, some seventy-five miles above. One of
CARVAJAL’s officers, a Major NORTON, with 50 or 60 Americans,
crossed the river and took possession of the town with opposition.
He demanded of the authorities a large sum of money in the
name of CARVAJAL, and in order to accelerate its payment,
strung up the Alcalde by the neck until he consented to
turn over all he could scrape together, some $4,000.
then shooting one or two poor devils, just to keep in practice,
they recrossed the river. This NORTON, the leader
of these marauders, is a Justice of the Peace, and is supposed
to be now with CARVAJAL, who has a pretty large force of
renegade Mexicans and Rangers, and and (sic) threatens to
attack Camargo.
Whatever may have been CARVAJAL’s original objective in
carrying war into Tamaulipas, I cannot say, but now his
only object is plunder. He is a highway robber, and
a very cowardly one at that. You may be surprised
at such transactions, but you must recollect that man is
desperately wicked, and that when all restraints are removed,
this wickedness shows itself. Civil law along all
frontiers, and this one in particular, sits loosely in the
saddle, and military law, as it should be, is tied hand
and foot, so people can do pretty much as they please.
Several flibustiers (sic) have been brought up before the
courts, but have always managed to find some way of escaping
This movement will throw the whole of the Rio Grande frontier
into confusion worse confounded. The Mexicans threaten
to retaliate, and the people of Edinburg, as small town
immediately opposite Reynosa, have petitioned the commanding
officer of Fort Brown for troops to protect them.
An officer and some fifteen men have been dispatched to
that point. The rifle regiment now at Fort Merrill
and that vicinity, will doubtless be pushed forward on the
Rio Grande. They would have been here long since,
had not Texas undertook to defend the frontier by her own
Rangers, but as they have a second time pitched into the
Mexicans, I presume they will hereafter allow mercenaries
to defend the state. I will keep you advise of the
movements in this quarter.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
28th 1853 New York Times, New York City, NY
Rio Grande—The Capture of Carvajal
Dates from Brownsville to the 13th
inst., reach us through New Orleans.
The following
particulars are given of the arrest of CARVAJAL:
Capt Smith,, 7th U. S. Infantry,
temporarily in command of Company B, U. S. Mounted Rifles,
arrived at Brownsville on the 11th, having in charge General
CARVAJAL, Quartermaster DOWD, and Lieut. ROUNDTREE, of the
Liberating Army. These persons were arrested at Rio
Grande City, or Davis Rancho, on the morning of the 1st
inst., between 3 and 4 o’clock. They, with several
others in or about the premises of Mr. DOWD, were arrested
by U. S. troops, under the command of Major PAUL, in obedience,
it is understood, to orders from Headquarters and Washington.
The orders
of Capt SMITH, we believe (says the Flag,) were to deliver
them, at this place, to the custody of a U. S. Commissioner.
These persons, we understand, complain of the manner of
their arrest; it is very natural they should do so; but
although one of them is an ex-chief justice, and another
a person of very considerable knowledge of our laws, and
although there was a Judge of the District Court in the
town, to whom they could apply for a writ of habeas corpus,
they declined to doing so, preferring, we suppose, to create
popular feelings in their favor.”
After remaining
in custody a short time, they were discharged for want of
some formality in relation to their arrest, but were subsequently
rearrested by Mr. LEMAN, Deputy U. S. Marshal, who placed
them in confinement in the Fort, under the charge of Col.
WEBSTER. The Marshal himself was soon after arrested,
on a charge of having abducted the prisoners, and fined
one hundred dollars for failing to appear before Judge McLANE,
which act the Flag considers unwarrantable.
The Flag
has left for Reynosa, the scene of the recent outrages of
the prisoners, with a military escort, for the purpose of
procuring testimony in the case, and upon his return they
will doubtlessly be examined before somecompetent authority,
(if there be such among us,) or taken to Galveston, and
there turned over to the custody of the U. S. Marshal.
It is confidently hoped that the later course will be pursued,
to the end that quiet may be restored on our frontier, and
that justice may be mated out to the prisoners. Every
praise is due both to the Deputy Marchal and to Col. WEBSTER,
the Commandant of Fort Brown, for the prompt action taken
by them in this matter. It shows a commendable determination
on their part to enforce a compliance with the law.
Had not this course been pursued, there is every indication
that the people themselves, en masse, would have taken the
offenders in hand, when they would have had a far more summary
and perhaps more effectual treatment.
The Flag, in advocating the adoption
of a treaty of extradition between the United States and
Mexico, for the mutual surrender of criminals, states that:
the time the army of the United States was withdrawn from
this frontier, depredation upon both sides of the river
have been of almost daily occurrence; principally, it is
true, perpetrated by persons of Mexican origin, but finding
their protectors and defender among a class of Americans
too frequently to be found on our border. This state
of things has already produced bloodshed, and has cost our
State within the last few months some $85,000, besides retarding
the settlement of one of the most fertile and beautiful
sections of the Union. Moveable property of every
description is stolen from one side of the river, and openly
paraded and offered for sale on the other side—the state
of individual feeling that exists on either side rendering
it almost impossible for the legitimate owner to recover
his property. Murder walks in our midst: a citizen
of either Republic is assassinated—a trip of eighty or a
hundred yards places the murderer in another jurisdiction,
and he is safe.”
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
July 16th 1853
New York Times, New York City, NY
Later form Texas
From the N. O. Picayune
The U. S. Steamship Fashion, Capt. BAKER arrived last night
from Brazos Santiago, which port she left on the 6th inst.
Mr. STEAGEL, former deputy sheriff at Brownsville, was killed
about July 1, by Mr. CONRAD, Editor of the American Flag,
in self defense, and was discharged. A bad feeling
exists between the citizens and filibusters, the latter
threatening to execute vengeance on the citizens.
We find the following items in the American Flag of the
29th inst.
On Monday last, the following persons appeared before the
U. S. District Court under the indictment of having violated
the neutrality laws of the United States, viz: Jose M. J.
R. C. TRIMBLE. A petition was made by the defendants
for a change of venue, which was granted by the court, no
opposition having been made thereto. Each of the defendants
was bound over in sureties to appear at the next term of
the court at Galveston, to be held in January next.
By passengers from above, arrived on the steamer Camanche
on Sunday last, we learn the following:
On the 16th inst., information was received by Capt. GRANGER,
of the rifles stationed at Bellsville. Opposite the Mexican
town of Guerrero, that a party of fifteen or twenty idians
had crossed the Rio Grande from the Mexican side, about
eight miles above his post. He immediately dispatched
a party of men to follow their trail, and dividing the remainder
of his company into two parties, stationed them in such
a manner as to intercept the Indians on their return.
Not more than thirty-six hours had elapsed form the time
of their crossing the river, when one of the divided parties
discovered the Indain’s return trail, which satisfied them
that they were making for the pass in the river at full
speed. The troops overtook them while crossing their
animals, five Indians were killed on the spot, some five
or six wounded, horses, arrows, guns, blankets, etc. were
taken from them, and those who escaped swam the river entirely
naked. It would appear that these Indians were fully
aware of the presence of the Rifles at Bellsville.
They traveled one hundred and thirty six miles in thirty
six hours, despoiling the ranchos from the place of their
crossing down to Jack EVERITT’s rancho. They returned
by the way of the Seus.
A cold-blooded murder was committed on the night of the
21st inst. in Rio Grande City, by a man of the name of KENNEDY,
on the person of Corporal RILEY, of Lieut TILFORD’s Company
of the Mounted Rifles. The murdere immediately fled
to the opposite side of the river. A reward of $100
was offer for his apprehension, and KENNEDY was soon arraigned
before Judge Lynch’s Court, sentenced, and hung.
Troops are continually arriving at the Mexican towns on
the frontier, and in such numer we have never before seen
on this line. Military encampments are also being
established at point on the Rio Grande, which hitherto have
not been considered of sufficient importance to be guarded
by Custom-House Guards. The proprietor of a baking
establishment in Camargo had been consulted upon a contract
for baking bread for 10,000 men. It is reported by
passengers recently arrived from Rio Grande City, that opinions
are freely expressed on the other side as to the validity
Opinion, of the treaty of peace,
the saem having been made and ratified during his absence,
thus creating a question as to the necessity of complying
with its observance. The “divine mission” of SANTA
ANNA, to reclaim the lost importance of the Mexican territory
is also alluded to.
The American Flag publishes a communication from CARVAJAL
to the editors of that paper, in which he complains of being
misunderstood and misrepresented both in the United States
and Mexico, and denies most emphatically that he issued
any order to his officers to take the life of Mr. MORSE.
He says:
“The time will soon come when I shall claim a hearing before
the American public, when I shall present such facts and
documents as will compel all candid minds to do me the justice
which my sufferings for the most honorable cause demand.
TRANSCRIBED by Scott Grayson, 2008
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